Friday, November 30, 2012

I'm Awesome

You know what? I am fucking proud of who i am. Why the heck do i get jealous of other people, why do i even care? OK they have cute clothes, OK they have great hair, OK they have big boobs. What of it though? I'm not like any of them, and that's a good thing, because I'm so much better then them all. In so many ways. For one, I have a great body, some people tell me I'm anorexic and too skinny but the truth is I'm perfectly fine. I try to stay in shape, i eat right, i exercise. I'm sorry you don't eat right and don't ever work out and are chubby, I like looking good. I'm smart. I think i have all A's in my classes right now...not sure in math at the moment but i think its an A or a high B. I see all these kids dropping classes, never going to class, failing and I'm like why even come to school if your just gonna do shitty anyways? I think the people who do that are stupid. They like their party life, do whatever i want life, procrastination life so much more then a better life in the future. I don't do drugs or get drunk off my ass, plus i don't get caught and arrested for having drugs on me. You have no idea how many of the pot heads are getting busted for possession right now...its all i hear about and i laugh to myself because they are all idiots. I have a great and loving and lasting and trusting relationship with an amazing man. You know how many people don't have that? I shit ton. I'm not cheating on my boyfriend and he isn't cheating on me. We don't get into yelling matches with each other or get just pissed off at one another over really stupid stuff. He always tries to make me happy and i him. We don't blow each other off. We don't lie to one another. I have job, one that i don't mind at all and i like the people i work with. People bitch about work a lot at school and i'm like well that sucks for you. You hear all this crap in the student have no idea how easy it is to listen to others conversations there....I'm not a whore, i never was a whore, i never will be a whore. I have only ever slept with my boyfriends. No one else, i can't say the same for some people though. Some peoples record is disturbing. I am me and i am amazing, there is no need to get jealous over others when I'm this awesome to begin with.

I just realized i'm almost ranting about how awesome i am....I'm having an all about me moment.

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