Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Few Things

Alrighty, so first off, Deric got his tattoo finished today and it looks super awesome. He is in a lot of pain though still and is really sore which isn't really good. He was in a crap ton of pain when he was getting it done and wasn't sure if he would be able to finish it today but he stuck through it and got it finished. I'm proud of him. Secondly, work is giving me a lot more hours coming up here soon. went from around 21-22 and now suddenly i have been scheduled for 27 and 1/2. I'm happy with that, means more money and the sooner i can get my own car, but that does mean i will have less hang out time with friends and Deric which sucks a lot, plus they have me scheduled for two Mondays in a row which I'm bumbed about cause that's Deric's one day off a week that stays the same. Thirdly, two of the cashiers were let go this week. One was the girl who they hired in the same time as me. When i talked to Liz she said that people are wondering who's next because it always seems to be in 3's. That got me a little worried because I'm the newest one there so i don't have any seniority and its more likely that they would let me go, but i know there isn't any reason to let me go cause i haven't been doing anything wrong, but it still is making me really nervous so I'm going to be on my best behavior so they will have nothing against me at all and not have a reason to let me go. It would suck so much if that happened though...goodbye getting a car and saving up for college and a bunch of stuff like that. But I'm hoping that isn't going to happen. So yeah, that's life recently.

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