Saturday, September 17, 2011

I'll Give You A Hint

What do I want for my birthday which is in like, 4 days now. Well you know you want to do something for my birthday/ get me something. I don't think you really know what to do, o ill give you an idea. Kinda a wishful thinking idea because you shot me down once before i think when i said something along the lines of it, but if you want to top any birthday thing, this may do just that.
Part One (The part you shot me down with before I think):
I just want something nice, something romantic. Yes i know I'm a hopeless romantic, i know this. But part one would be you showing up to pick me up from school dressed up. Not like big suit and tie, but like dress pants, nice white button up shirt, and your dressy vest thingy. I feel almost embarrassed about this part...but you'd be holding a single rose. I have no idea why but to me a single rose is very very romantic. A whole bouquet of flowers is wonderful don't get me wrong, but if your going to go for romantic, then you go with one flower. You would have to be out of your car though mind you. This has just been a gesture that if anyone were to do for me, it would be amazing cause it something that i really want someone to do, preferably you.
Part Two:
After that i really don't mind what we do, but again...if it could be romantic that would be wonderful. I just, i don't know, want a reaaaally nice and romantic day. But whatever the rest of the day is to hold ill let you decide.

There are some ideas, i don't know if you'd do them or not. But at least i gave them. So there is my hint to you.

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