Sunday, September 4, 2011

Looking Up

This is strange for me, just cause i don't think i ever thought this kinda thing would happen or that i was the kind of person that people did this with. But like, I'm learning that a lot of people look up to me and really respect me. I know people respect each other, but like, this is a different respect. The kind of respect you give a teacher, or someone you well, look up to. It's a greater respect....and one that people have started giving me. Even with my close friends, some have started telling me how much they respect me and look up to me. Its different cause i never used to have that. I mean, i went from the shy quiet kid, to the bullied kid that no one liked, to the kid who made friends with both genders, to the geeky kid who really didn't care about her appearance and wore whatever i felt like, to the kid who made it to high school which then in turn changed her a LOT, to what I am now. And I'm going to continue to change this year as well because this year I'm going to blow those shores bitches away, I'm gonna be me, the me i want to be for the rest of my time, the real real Kaylee who's going to not be shy anymore. More people might start looking up to me then to, i don't really know. To have this chunk of people that i know of, cause there could be many that i don't, that look up to me and respect me like that, it gives you an uplifting feeling and I'm kinda proud of myself. I have been through a lot in my life, and to get where I'm at right now, it feels good. I've done something with my life and people are starting to see that and they are starting to see me, I'm not invisible anymore. This isn't going to make me all arrogant or anything, but it is going to make me a lot prouder of who i am and am going to show the world that i am. I'm going to be happier with me in general. Physical and mental me. This is just a good feeling.

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