Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Who Says That...

You know as a female who does not wear make up, mainly for the fact that it bugs me and i have no idea how to put it on properly, when someone comments on the fact that you don't wear any it kinda bugs you. Especially when the person saying it is like "oh but your boyfriend would like it if you started wearing it...not that your ugly or anything but still." Like what the hell does that even mean?!?!?! I'm pretty but not really cause i don't wear anything? That Deric will like me more if I do? I don't even know, but definitely is not taken as a compliment. So I asked Deric about it cause i was curious. I must say i love my boyfriend. I'm not sure if he was just saying this because he really meant it or because he was being nice but either way it made me feel good. Well he first asked who said that to me and was like wth and then told me that i don't need makeup and that i pull of the natural look pretty well as opposed to others and that basically I'm absolutely fine as I am. I guess sometimes I do feel like i would be prettier if i wore make up but at the same time that isn't me and that isn't how i am or what i do. So basically i won't wear any because it's a hassle.

Dawn is talking to me about her new hookah and she sent me a pic and it was like instant uncomfortable for a split second. Sigh....i can deal with smoking cigars but everything else is just a no no to me. Or makes me kinda uncomfortable. I feel like this makes me a hypocrite which makes me sad cause i really dislike hypocrites. I also feel weird talking to her about smoking it cause well....i don't do that....and shes like super into it....and all i'm wishing is that she does not ask me if i want to smoke some. I have issues

We move soon.....we move much to do much

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