Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's A Secret

So, life at the moment hasn't exactly been going as planned. I have started getting really worried and stressed about the future because my dream job just doesn't look possible, like, at all. And it's stating to freak me out, make me worried, anxious, nervous, sad, slightly depressed, and just a lot of confused emotions. Even my dreams are reflecting this. Had a weird dream last night that i was drinking a lot of wine and whiskey but it wasn't affecting me at all but i still drank it, i could even smell it in my dream which is weird cause i have never smelled anything in my dream before. I looked up on line what the stuff meant cause i was curious, drinking like that in a dream can mean your feeling insecure, worried, etc. Makes sense. I just really want this to all sort itself out, and yesterday kinda gave me that grace of possibilities. My mom told me that Victoria's Secret was now hiring for seasonal work. I JUST turned 18, so i can work there now, it all just seemed extremely coincidental and like it was meant to be like that. So i turned in my kinda application, was told ill get scheduled for an interview in the upcoming week or so, and I'm hoping, praying, and getting slightly happier that life may be taking a turn for the better. I'm probably hoping too much and my dreams could possibly get smashed into a million pieces, but i am hoping that the world is looking on me in a good way and i get the job, my sorta dream job. I'm hoping. If i get it, ill say that life is going to work itself out, ill be able to trust that. If not, i don't really know.

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