Friday, October 5, 2012

My Life And Its Oddities

Enjoying the nice fall weather. I really would like to just sit in front of a fire drinking either tea or hot cider, maybe have a carmel apple or just some nice fall food....i wrote this yesterday, lol, I'm still enjoying fall today, just not as much.

I'm sick, well, kinda sick, I'm fighting it a lot. I don't want to be sick, i was so much last year it was ridiculous. I think the only reason i am getting sick, cause i wasn't before, is because of my period. My immune system always takes a vacation around then. It makes it kinda suck being a girl. It keeps getting better...then worse...then better...then's annoying. I just hope i can beat it before it has a chance to really become a cold.

Me and Deric went to the cemetery today finally. It was enjoyable. I like going there, ill be weird and admit that. Its peaceful, interesting, and just different.

So i was thinking today about my conversation with someone at college the other day. We played a 20 questions kinda thing because we didn't know each other and the person we both did know left the table and we were left by ourselves. He asked me what my 5 favorite bands were....and this made me feel like i was from another planet....aka people don't enjoy true music. I was thinking and i came up with Mumford & Sons (duh), Florance and the Machine (another DUH), had to think some more...then was like oh! I do like Nickelback, always have i wont lie even though a lot of people hate them...i don't understand why really. The look i got from this know for a fact he had no clue who any of them were besides Nickelback...which i can tell he didn't like. It was like i was a really sad individual who had no taste....sigh...he went on to say Blink 182 and things like that. Typical for someone like him, no offense or anything, but it didn't surprise me one bit. I think the conversation went downhill from there cause i went on to say that i really don't have a large amount of favorite groups, i like a little bit of everything, just depends on my mood. He was like...oh.....conversation kinda ended there as more people finally walked up. Made me realize how different my tastes are from other people, and i am ok with that. It makes me me and different.

RIP the microwave, it died a smelly smelly death. I have never had ice cream smell like burnt plastic before. lol.

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