Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Scramble Of Things

You know, working and going to school and doing a hundred million other things makes it a little hard to write in here consistently. If i had more time there would definitely be more updates. But oh well, i do what i can.
But on too what i actually was going to write in here before that came to mind.
So, i don't really know where to start exactly with this one, i could start many many places, just not sure which is the right point to begin with. Hrm, well... i guess i can start at the first thing that comes to mind. So, I have to say, Deric has really been a great thing for me and my life, he has changed it for the better in so many ways and I'm really starting to see these things. For one, I can look at myself in the mirror now and like the way i look, i finally like everything about myself. From head to toe. I can look in the mirror at my boobs and like them, I like them and the size that they are. Lately Deric has been telling me how much he loves them, and coming form him that really means a lot because they are basically his and he loves them just the way they are. He doesn't need someone with huge boobs to be happy, he chose me and my small little boobs. And he loves MY boobs and no one elses, he makes me feel so great about myself. Even when I'm having an off day he still thinks I'm beautiful or cute and he tells me that. I'm not really self conscious anymore and i must say, thank you, it feels wonderful. Next, surprisingly, my grades in school have gone up. Yeah, you would think that having a boyfriend and job and things like that would make your grades drop, not mine. My grades have gone up. And i know that it is because he wants me to keep up in school and do the best that i can and hes proud of me when i do well and i like it when hes proud of me. So it all works out to were I'm doing my best which is definitely a good thing. Plus i feel like i am a happier person over all because of him.
On to some more things, still about Deric, but different then before. So, yesterday he talked about how he looked into the pricing of apartments and how it may be possible for us to live together. Its hard to put into words how this made me feel. It was definitely a joy though because i would love to live with him, i would get to fall asleep with him and be in his arms and wake up to him every day. You know how wonderful that would be? Also, i was happy about it because that means he wants to be with me in the long run because he wouldn't want to live with me if he didn't. It just makes me really really happy. I mean, i would get to spend time with him too if we lived together, now i barely get to and those few hours that i do i savor so much. Kinda like the few hours i got to spend with him today, for  a bit we were just cuddling and laying together under the covers and talking and he was holding me and just kinda rubbing my back and i had missed that so much, it was just, idk, i just love when we have moments like that because they, to me, mean a lot. I just, i cant express how much I love him. Its more than words can describe. Hes always so good to me too and takes care of me when im sick and just loves me always. Spring break ill be able to sleep over at his house again which will be wonderful and hopefully we are able to go to Envy as well. And i cant wait. There is something i have been meaning to ask as well, it may seem off topic maybe, but this question got stirred in my mind when we were talking about year book stuff at school. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I kinda thought about it but i was wondering what your answer to it was, im just a little curious. Maybe you'll see it as off topic, but then again maybe not. I had been meaning to ask but i just havent gotten to it yet but i gues asking it on here works just as well because i know you read these...which also means a means you care....but yeah, there you go.

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