Friday, February 25, 2011

Not Sure

So, as much as I dislike someone, why is that my brain wants to comfort them, to give them some form of help them? I want them gone, I want them to hurt, I want them dead, yet i want to comfort them, to give some kind words. Is that just human nature what I'm feeling? Or is it just pure sympathy for the pain of that person. Watching them get hurt over and over, feeling satisfied because of it, because they seem to deserve all their pain and suffering because of who they are and what they have done...yet....sadness is in my emotions for them, pity, just to give a comforting sentence seems so good...but knowing that they want you dead, and I do mean DEAD, seems like that saying anything to them would end badly....even if it was an attempt to be nice. The urge is there most definitely...but saying something kind is also wrong, just for the terror it could cause in the long run. But the satisfactory in their pain and suffering is so great as well. Is it wrong to be happy when others get hurt? I don't necessarily think it's wrong, cause I mean...I think everyone kinda feels this way towards at least one person in their life. So...whats right and wrong in this circumstance? Or are both feelings right? And...why do I feel satisfaction and pity at the same time?

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