Friday, October 14, 2011

My Life Has Been Rather....Hectic

This week has been really crazy.
Me and my mom have been having some spats lately. She thinks i have a major anger problem, and other issues. We don't have the best relationship and i know this, but there are things that she does that are hard not to get angry at her for. If you ever met my'd understand. But, she believes that therapy solves everything, and wants me to go. So, after a LOT of consideration, talking it through with Deric, and definitely a hard mind battle, i told her that i would go. I wont like it, i know this. Why would i want to go and talk to a random person about my life and its problems? I don't trust people like that. I go soon and Deric said he would go with me because I'm not comfortable at all with going. There could be a problem in that though because the week i go may be his dough week so he may not be able to get the right day off. If he cant go....well, its gonna be a rough day.
Then there is the fact that i have been having really early mornings and late nights. This is from having a zero hour and being out late at the Frauenthal for the Hairspray production. Its rough on me, but I'm dealing.
Then there is my classes and dealing with doing well in them. Chemistry is still freaking tough.

On a good note though, Deric has been with me through thick and thin and when I'm having a really rough day. He helps me to smile even in the toughest of situations. He also helps me to think clearly when I'm freaking out. He kinda helps me to see a different side to a problem which helps me to understand and deal with it better. Hes even there for when i just want to cuddle and nap for hours on end. Its really nice to have a great guy like him. Everyone out there who reads this, I hope that you can find someone like him because you would be the happiest person in the world. That's how he makes me feel, and everyone deserves that feeling. He suggested a vacation he maybe wants to take in September to a nice little cabin like thing by the lake. Its really pretty in the pictures and would be really nice and romantic to go to with him. And whether or not we are able to go, i really don't mind. For those kind of things its really just the thought that counts. I just love him very much, if you couldn't tell.
But I think i will end this on a good note and i am off to watch Robin Hood: Men In Tights.

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