Sunday, July 22, 2012

Pretty Fun Days

So a couple of days ago i spent the night at Deric's. We were going to have a picnic if weather permitted, but like always in Michigan, the weather hates you so it was like down pouring so instead we made dinner and ate it at home, but not just any dinner, it was a steak dinner. Made by none other than my amazing man. It was delicious. Then we watched Phantom of the Opera and cuddled. We fell asleep and it was a good night. When we woke up we just chilled and talked and took a shower. Then, of course, i get the feeling like I'm gonna pass out and puke my guts up. I don't really understand why this happens to me cause it never has really happened before. The only thing i can think of is that it's because i wake up and don't eat for awhile so something goes amis in my body and makes me feel like that. I really need to talk to my docter about it. It concerns me a little. But other then that it was a great day with Deric.
So then today i went tubing with my friends. Eric, Corine, Danny, Linda, and relatives of Eric went. I got burned but overall it was pretty enjoyable. A few things bugged me about it though like the little kids that went along and kept pulling us towards shore. It was fun but i really wished Deric could have come along, i like being able to spend time like that with him. Next time though, next time.

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