Saturday, February 16, 2013


Why do i feel like I'm getting into that position again? Why do i feel like it? I'm feeling awkward as fuck right now, so awkward. On top of that it isn't that i don't want to talk to you about certain things, its that i feel like it will lead down a road i do not want to go again. I feel like I'm betraying someone if i talk. I know why you did what you did just now, i know, but did you actually have to do that? No. You could have kept that to yourself, instead, you didn't. And i feel like im intruding. On something that will maybe blow up in my face later. I get both sides, and i can't do anything about it. I can't say one thing to one person and another to the other. I'm in the hole again, or the ground beneath is slowly sinking, and whether it caves in or gets filled up is up to you guys. Not me, do not put me in the middle of this again. 

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