Sunday, August 4, 2013

F**K You

I'm so annoyed right now it's not even funny. I should be sleeping but my mind is racing cause I'm SO FUCKING PISSED OFF with Lilly that drifting off is impossible. People are being loud upstairs so that also makes it hard to sleep. My car is breaking and I don't know how much it';; cost to fix it. I gotta make a bunch of cakes, and you know i gotta be up at 5am tomorrow. I am having a long day and a long week and I'm agitated.

Lilly being the little bitch that she is decided earlier to throw a bitch fit about me telling her to chew with her mouth closed because well....she freaking chews really loudly and annoying with her mouth open all the time and i always say something about it. She decided to go on about how i had some weird problem thing where i think people are chewing loudly or something like that. I was like fuck no, you chew with your mouth open, even better you play with your mouth all the time! You constantly put your finger in your mouth and do weird shit that you deny doing. I WATCH you do it. Obviously I am not making that up. Then she was like well you do all these drugs and smoke pot blah blah blah and i was like what the fuck little bitch? I know for a fact that I 1000% do not do ANY drugs. She was like sure you don't like she knew everything about me. Fucking pissed me off. Then earlier she threw a HUGE fit about how Cameron took the laptop and now him and Forrest are both on a computer because she was getting her nails done so she wasn't using it. She has no right to be angry about two people being on separate computers in the same damn room cause that's all her and her friends do day in and day out when they are with each other. At least Cam and Forrest were talking to each other! So she stormed out of the house. That made my mom worried and sad until Lilly called from Heidi's house and she wanted to be picked up and my mom started crying cause she didn't like seeing Lilly depressed. I wanted to punch that little cunt cause she ruined my moms night of getting her nails done because she had to freak the fuck out because she couldn't have the laptop. Little obsessed are we not? Fucking pissed me off. I swear to god i will end up decking her in the face because of how dumb and stupid and bitchy and fucking gaaahahahahdbsalgfudow;agfuv.......I will end up punching her in the face one of these days. I am so fed up with her bull shit.

So my head light popped out of the spot it's supposed to sit in because when i hit that cement pile it tore at my bumper and it came loose enough for the light to fall out. I don't have the money for another bumper right now! I'm depressed about it. Also angry cause it's partially my parents faults. That and when i called my mom to help me she was too passed out to even communicate with me like a normal person so it was like she could give a rats ass if i needed help. So i figured everything out on my own no help from her....

I am supposed to work at 6am tomorrow which means waking up at 5, then i have to get my books from MCC, and now go and see how much it'll cost to fix my car. I'm to angry to sleep, too frustrated about my car, and to pissed off at my sister. My back hurts and my boobs are sore so it's just like everything is doing a big fuck you Kaylee. You don't need a nice car, or a sane home, or a healthy body, fuck that! You can have everything that goes bad cause you did something to deserve it even though i have no idea what.

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