Thursday, August 1, 2013

I Am Yours

Whhhaaattt? Interesting stuff at work today. Very interesting. Got there and i hadn't even punched in when Mel found me and was like hey, would you want to work in the vault cause Val put in her 2 week notice. I have been asked about working in the vault before and i had said i was interested so i said sure and told her when i could work and she was fine with that. Then i had to immediately go talk to Zizak. Mildly nerve racking even when i knew i wasn't in trouble or anything. He had me take a seat and Matt sat next to me and we talked about working in the vault, about my schedule, about working full time, about some changes that could happen at the desk, and random other things. What i got out of it was that they want me in the vault and the desk, they have high hopes for me and want me in there full time, and i very well could end up a supervisor down the road. I never even realized that Zizak noticed me, apparently he does a lot though. So woot woot! I'm really getting noticed and it sounds like I"m gonna be moving up in the world and people really are seeing what i am capable of and I'm excited because this could be big.

My vacation was really nice and I"m sad it's over because as much as i like work it is so wonderful to get away for a while. Kinda sucked that the weather was so crappy while they were here and once they left it was all nice. Lame. I will say that even though it was a good week it was a draining and tough week as well and me and Deric had little arguments through out the entire thing but they generally ended on a good note and i think we learned a little about each other. What i need to understand and its the one thing i have trouble grasping is that Deric keeps saying that "I will always be yours" and that means that i shouldn't worry about him doing something that will hurt me or something that will hurt us, i shouldn't worry about other people hitting on him and offering themselves to him because he would never agree to it or do it, he would never ever hurt me even if he was drunk off his ass. I have to trust him because he is dead set on being with me and not messing it up. He wants me for me. He wants to be with ME. Me, the person who can be one hell of a handful sometimes, me with all of my imperfections, me who worries way too much, me who gets scared too easy that I'll screw up something and ruin everything, me who needs to learn to be confident in every aspect of myself, me who is well me. Yet after all the negatives about me, he still wants me. I don't know why i can't see this and i really am trying to be better, it's a slow process but i am trying to understand this. I really am. Whenever i get nervous or paranoid about stupid shit I've begun thinking the comment he said, that he will always be mine, and it calms me down and i don't feel so worried and sometimes it goes away. It's helping and i like it because it makes the world a better place. It really does.

Oh, me and Deric both got new tattoos. He got one with his brother and its a tattoo that Kyle drew. Mine is of Michigan with a heart where Muskegon is. Both our tattoos are cool and awesome.

Tomorrow i am meeting Megan. Someone who has been in Deric and Kyle's lives for a very long time. Should be interesting.

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