Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Proud To Call You Mine

I'm so very proud of you. I'm not really good at complimenting or speaking exactly how i feel about things. So I'll try on here and hope that i can get my point across.

I am very very proud of you. Like how you are with me and my schooling. I am proud that you are stepping up and taking charge of your life. I am happy that you quit Scrib's and got a much better job. You are now getting hired into that job and will be making better money and have vacation time etc. You are ready to finally move out of your house and get a place of your own with me. You pay your bills and you work for what you want. You work VERY VERY hard for what you want. You always have. There have been so many times that you've been thrown under the bus and haven't caught a break and i am so proud of you for sticking with things when that kind of stuff happened even when you never deserved any of it. You are a hard working and determined individual and i am very proud of you and the fact that you are my boyfriend. I have someone i can rely on always.

As for what i was trying to say earlier. I realized while driving my car that no matter what you do i will always love you. Even if you smoke and stupid things that make me really angry and upset. Even when i get so frustrated with you i will still love you. All i want is to be with you. I want you in my life for as long as i can have you. I'm sorry that i sometimes get insecure and don't understand that even if you were to go out and see hot chicks at a bar or something you would only want me and you wouldn't think of them. I just sometimes think that there are people out there much better than i am, much prettier, much smarter, you know things like that. I know it's true, but what i need to realize is that you are with me and you love me just as i am and those people that are better than me in my eyes are so far below me in yours. I love you dearly and i am so happy i have you in my life. I don't know what i would do without you.

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