Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Big Universities Can Suck My D**k

I am so damn frustrated right now. Like angry frustrated. Why the fuck can't i get any fucking scholarships cause I'll be part time!?!?!? Because I won't be spending $20,000 a year at some big university so they don't see it worth giving any help to those who go part time? WHY THE HELL DO YOU THINK PEOPLE GO PART TIME!?!?!?!? Cause they can't afford your damn college even with scholarships and they don't want to go into tons of debt. I've been offered scholarships but since I'm not going to be full time I'm about 90% sure i can't get them. Or like any for that matter. Cause oh those going part time are only spending tiny amounts of money so they don't matter. Fuck you university. You know....if i can't get ANY help at all and I wont take a loan out i don't want debt....and it's way to expensive.....I probably can't go to GVSU or anywhere for that matter besides MCC or a place like that. I know what i can and can't afford. I know I don't get any financial aid because my dad makes too much. I know i wont really get any scholarships cause well...I'm not full time. I guess I'll have to wait and see if i can afford GVSU. Then I'll see if work will help me at all with school....maybe they will. Someone has to care right?

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