Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Normal Day Really, But A Good Good Day

I had a pretty good day today I think. I mean, waking up at 6:30 to go to a 3 hour physics class is definitely not ideal BUT i actually did enjoy getting back into something like that. I also had tea this morning and the entire kitchen smelled like it and it was lovely. I got to go home afterwards and make a nice lunch and relax till i went to work. Got through the entire new Castle episode. Yay. I got to work and it wasn't busy, didn't go by too slow or too fast. I did have to make things look nice again cause apparently when I'm gone for 2 days the desk are gets a little hectic looking. Logan did do the Book & Physical report though which I will admit I am proud of because Logan is stepping up and taking responsibility with his job..and everything isn't falling on me anymore either. My mom was nice and got money out of that bank for me for my ballet shoes cause i was at work and couldn't do it myself and shes buying me grapefruit. I got 2 homer awards out of the blue. 2. You like never get 2 in one day. One was for who knows what cause Alyssa couldn't remember and the other was cause i won the Bravo award last month apparently. Oh, AND I'm employee of the month AGAIN. Yeah, I am FINALLY making an impact and people are seeing me and taking notice and I'm doing really really well. Then I started thinking about Ballet and how excited I am for it. It is going to be a super fun class and i will always love Mondays and Wednesdays at school for that reason. Then i was thinking about the conversation I had with Deric last night after he read my last post and called me cause i asked him to. I will be honest and say i think i remember everything we said but i am not totally sure on that. But like, just from what i know he said, I realized that I am really really loved. Like, Deric is the most amazing and wonderful person. He listens to me and what i have to say and tries to do his best to make me happy and he understands where I come from most of the time and tries to make things work like we are right now with the one thing. While i was thinking i was so so happy to have someone love me as much as he does and I am so glad I can give that love right back because I love him just as much. Today was a strange happy day, even though my back was hurting along with my stomach and boob again,  I liked today. I do miss Deric though. I'm glad i get to sleep over Monday though. We will have fun and it will be a good good night. I'll get lots of cuddles all night long.

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