Tuesday, July 16, 2013

That Could Suck

You know...i want to be a vet i really really do. But the way my GPA is going...i feel like that could no longer be a possibility. My B in math brought it down to a high 3.6 when it was a high 3.7 before...talk about a drop......which means i have to get like amazing grades next year to make sure i can at least end with a 3.7 which is my goal now. I just, that chemistry class fucked me over, like it bent me backwards and fucked me in the ass.....that bad. I need to start the refund process for the class i dropped because that guy was a total dick and messed me up for my career. Like...what if i apply to state in high hopes and they get crushed by a rejection? I'm scared that I'll spend all this schooling and end up with nothing. I want to work with horses, i really do. I love working with them to begin with and being a vet would mean that i would always be around them. I'm not sure what other careers would allow for that...sigh. I'm just scared that I'll have to completely rethink my life if I'm not good enough for vet school. Sigh :/

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