Saturday, November 26, 2011

Before Tree Begins...

To start off, I probably wont be on much this next week because it is Tree week so i will be at the Frauenthal all week, but ill post a picture of the tree on here because it is pretty sweet, and we are going to be on TV on December 10th at 10pm on TLC. So cool! We are getting to be on a program about extreme trees and since it is the tallest Singing Christmas tree in the world, we get to be on TV. Everyone in tree is excited to see it.
But life right now has been kinda interesting with a lot of ups and downs.
Got to spend the night at Deric's again, it was really nice cause we actually slept ALL night long and went to bed at like 10:30ish. We cuddled all night long. It was so nice. He got us some water in the middle of the night because we both woke up really thirsty, then i ended spilling it all over myself cause i didn't realize how full it was. That was nice cause my shirt was soaking wet then. But it was really really nice. Deric also got to go to Thanksgiving with my family after having to convince my aunt. My family is kinda weird about things like that. Basically they believe if you are not living with your significant other you aren't serious. Which is so not true, me and Deric are very serious...and i think my aunt finally realized that so he got to go which was really nice. I got to hang out with my friends the other night watching movies, having a girls night is quite enjoyable. Oh, i also was able to get some Christmas shopping for myself done, as selfish as that sounds. lol, but me and my mom recently went to wet seal and a lot of the clothes i had previously wanted but didn't have the money for were on the sale and on the buy one get one for a penny rack. I was so excited. I got them all for really cheap and they look good. Plus i also found a pair of heels. They are tall, but cute and I'm excited about them. I never get new shoes, or at least new fancy shoes, so its a big deal to me. Plus i am also getting farther on one of Deric's Christmas gifts, which i hope he likes. I need to figure out what else to get him, or he needs to tell me what he wants. I kinda have another idea of something i could make, but i don't know exactly how I'm going to do it and make it how I'm thinking it in my head. I need to figure that out, and go to Hobby Lobby....they will give me good ideas. Something i do want to do though is take pictures in winter time, i like the look of the snow and the snow flakes falling in the pictures, i think its cute. I wanted to talk to Dawn and see if she could do some..but i don't think that's going to happen after last night. But ill figure something out cause i haven't taken any pictures in a long long while, so it needs to happen cause I'm having ideas and withdrawals.
Well, like i had said i had a girls night the other night with my friends. Well during that i got a phone call from Dawn, she wanted to talk to me. So i went and met her at the Plaza parking lot, and as soon as i got there i regretted saying that i could talk. Its wasn't just her, it was her, her boyfriend, and Amelia. The last person i wanted to see. They wanted to break it to me that they were all moving in with each other come January, mind you Amelia is still in high school and one hell of a big whore. I think its the worst idea ever, but that s what they wanted to tell me but i had to tell them i already knew, as did the whole school. It just really awkward from there and i wanted to leave and be near people i liked again. I know in a sense i lost Dawn as a friend because i cant hang with her without Amelia being there, but after last night, I'm starting to be ok with it. I just felt weird being near them all, and i didn't want to feel that, so I'm actually starting to be ok with the idea of not being in that group of people anymore. I know that i have better people in my life then that. I have my big group of friends and i have Deric, those are the important people in my life. I don't need to deal with those whom i really cant stand and or don't care for anymore. I, well more like me and Deric, had a slight scare the other day, not going to say what it was, but for now its nothing to worry about it, but i still need to watch it cause there is still a possibility. So we are kinda dealing with that to, and i guess my feelings on it are a little confused. I know that i could handle it if that happened, i mean i would be rather upset for a long while, but i would definitely get over it. I asked Deric what he would do if it happened, and he gave an answer that i was happy with. I just needed to know that he would be there for me and help me through it. That he wouldn't run and leave me and that he would still love me even if that happened. Sometimes i feel like though that Deric might be angry at me or be unhappy if that happened, i know he wouldn't but sometimes the way he expresses the fact that its a negative makes me feel that way. That and i don't know how I'd feel about getting would be weird and i think I'd feel ugly a bit. Just, I'm rather going from that to huge would be a shocker. My house has also been a bit crazy as of late. People yelling a lot more and what not and that stresses me out to a degree cause i like the quiet at times.
So, there is all that stuff. I feel like i had more to say, but I'm not entirely sure. I'm listening to a really bad remix right now that's on the radio. Um, if i have more ill post something else.

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