Wednesday, August 31, 2011


These words have more power than you could even imagine.

"I love you"

Not, I love the random person down the road, that one chick from school, or that one person i used to know. No, it's I love YOU, and only you. Its...

"I love you and I always will and I want you to always know that."

I know this, why? Because i'll always love you too, no matter what. Its...

"I love how you look. Nothing ever needs to change because I love how you look, you're beauiful."

Its all these things. Just to have someone say I love you, but for them to say they will always love you and that they love everything about you and that you never need to change or worry about that. Its something that can blow your mind, its something that can make your tummy get butterflies, and its something that can make you feel amazing. The words I love you mean a lot to me, but when they are said by that person that makes a smile come on your face every time you see them, the person who thinks you are wonderful just the way you are, the person who accepts you for who you are, the person you care most about in the world, and the person you couldnt bare to lose, well, they start to mean even more. They are a comfort and they are something that soothes the soul. The words I love you begin to be the most amazing thing in the world.

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