Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Frustrated Up The Wazoo

At the moment, life has been rather annoying and its getting to the point where i could punch a baby...which anyone who knows me knows i couldn't do yeah its bad. For one, I'm getting kinda annoyed with people just assuming i can do things for them or do things that they would like me to do whenever they feel i should do them, or tell me about something they want me to be able to start doing and have it assume that my schedule is just perfectly open and that i have no life. On the contrary i have a life, a very hectic one, and a very busy one at that. I mean, I'm honestly trying to just find time to do things i still enjoy. Aka having a social life outside of school. See, my aunt gave me a ride home from work today and told me about my cousin who is going through some stuff right now and apparently she wants to spend more time with me which i am totally cool with...but the way she put the question out there was not how it should have been. It was that Maddie needs to not spend a ton of time with her boyfriend because hes being a jerk and if he is going to be sticking around he has to ply by Maddie's rules now. Maddie needs to keep busy so that means shes going to be at our house more often and hanging with me more often according to my aunt. I HAVE A offense to Maddie but i have things i want to do to. I have a boyfriend who i like o see and it is good for me to see and i barely get to see and I'm not going to put that slot of time in for someone else. The way my aunt put it it was more of a demand then a question. Not too happy about it. Secondly, I am getting so annoyed with Jeroudi, i honestly just hate orchestra now. I could care less now how I'm sitting or if I'm perfectly in tune and all that crap. I just want to be done with his class so that i never have to see him again. He keeps adding new stuff to the calendar and expecting me to take loads of time off work to do them. I cant do that so guess what? I'm probably going to end up with like a C in orchestra...yeah fuck my life and screw him. That and my back has been hurting really bad for a few days now and that just gets me even more frustrated at times cause i just want the pain to go away. Gah........

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